The person or persons controlling and directing the affairs of an organisation are the ones who are mainly responsible for its growth and prosperity. Here, Astrology plays its most important role, as from astrological point of view every Corporate Entity is ruled by various individuals which includes the CEO or Managing Director. Along with the Company’s Natal Chart, proper detailed analysis of the key Promoters & Directors using Jyotish tools become of utmost importance for its smooth running, operations and growth prospects. It will help us in identifying the areas of investment and selecting the line of activity. This is very important for the success of the project.
Comprehensive Swot Analysis For Your Company
A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis describes 9 Factors of your Company:
Our research & experience shows that about 30-40% is contributed by the Company’s chart & 60-70% by its key promoter’s & director’s chart, depending upon planetary strength & various other factors, in evaluating the Company’s growth prospective. We perform a Comprehensive SWOT analysis i.e. identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats of your Company by deeply evaluating the Company’s Natal Chart along with the key Promoters & Directors using Jyotish & Numerological Tools. Comprehensive SWOT Analysis helps us in:
Comprehensive Analysis Report that includes the Company’s Charts Analysis, The Owners Charts Analysis and the Comprehensive SWOT analysis, the graphical representation of the same along with the Prospective Growth Indicator Chart (3 Years).
The destiny of a Company directly depends on the destiny of its key persons running the Organisation. Though a body corporate is deemed to be an Individual and its Natal Horoscope can be erected, but the Horoscope of the CEO or Managing Director and other departmental heads and key officers is more important than the Natal Chart of the Company.
Their detailed Astrological & Numerological analysis gives us the following:
Comprehensive Analysis Report giving the Detailed Personality Analysis of the Promoters & Directors/Partners/Proprietor with their Core Competence Skills, Area of Caution and Favourable/Unfavourable periods (3 Years).
Management team need to well equipped with the right skillset & decision making capabilities. Also, it is most important to have the right coordination and cooperation between the members. Without each other’s cooperation & support, a company can never function smoothly & grow. The Management Team who makes decisions on behalf of the Company are not in mutual consent & agreement, disputes are bound to happen which sows a seed for damage of the work ecosystem. By the help of Astrological & Numerological tools, we do a Compatibility & Skill analysis of the Management Team of the directors / decisionmakers to understand the following:
Comprehensive Analysis Report giving the Compatibility & Skill Analysis of the Management Team with their Strengths & Weaknesses along with graphical representation of the same.
Shareholding pattern which is most favourable to the Company as well as its Shareholders is an important factor to decide. A careful analysis of Promoters & Shareholders charts enable us to arrive on the following criterion for deciding share holding pattern:
Comprehensive Analysis Report giving the Most Favourable Shareholding Pattern/Partnership Holdings for your Company.